About Us...

Mikel Goitia and Anton Goitia, locals of Bakio, are passionate about the sea and nature. Our love for the ocean is reflected in our dedication as surf instructors. With extensive experience and multiple certifications.

Both of us hold the level 1 and level 2 titles from EHSF (Euskal surf federazioa), demonstrating our solid training and knowledge in surf techniques. Additionally, we have certification in surf lifeguarding and surf rescues, ensuring the safety of our students in the water.

¿Donde estamos?

Bakio is an idyllic place for those seeking a connection with nature, enjoying the beach and the sea, and marveling at the beauty of the Basque landscape on the northern coast of Spain. It is a destination that seamlessly combines the beauty of the sea with the grandeur of the surrounding nature, creating a truly special and memorable place for all who visit. Its beautiful beach, stunning cliffs, rich marine life, and natural surroundings make it an ideal destination for those looking to savor the beauty and tranquility of the Basque coast.

"We wanted a name that would represent a magical place in Bakio and be related to the sea. That's why the idea of 'Koba' came up, which is an islet located in the Canales area, a very popular spot in Bakio. That place is magical; we have always spent a lot of time there. Since we were very young, we've been diving in the area, jumping from the rocks, or paddling around that zone, and the truth is, the whole coastline is very beautiful. For us, it's the most famous islet in our town and a point that separates the Canales from the Cueva de los Pitorros, which is located behind Koba.



¿Y por que Koba?

Contact Us

To get in touch with us...

Phone number

Zarrakoa bidea, 5, BAKIO


(34+) 620685753
